Joe Rogan is WRONG about Judo and the Gracie family

Joe Rogan is WRONG about Judo and the Gracie family

Sensei Haas

2 years
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I am always educating people on this issue. This is a great video laying out the timeline and historical facts.

The Gracie's are very good at what they do, but they didn't invent or improve on anything. It's always said that Helio Gracie was a small man and had to modify the techniques to defeat larger opponents.

The fact is... Mitsuyo Maeda was 5-foot 4-inches tall and was 141-lbs. Helio Gracie was similar in weight and size as Mitsuyo Maeda. The Japanese people are NOT large overbearing people, but I have never met a Brazilian equal to or smaller than myself (5-ft 9-in 170lbs). So, to say that the Helio somehow modified the techniques to defeat larger opponents is ridiculous and propaganda.

This video is from the YouTube Channel Chadi, who trains Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

"I do not own any of the footage, they are used for commentary under fair use. Credits to JRE and Hal Sharp productions.
Music Blackmill - Miracle"


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