Team Haas Judo-Jiu-Jitsu

Team Haas Judo Jiu-Jitsu provides a quality well rounded system of martial arts techniques that are safe, simple, and effective.
This includes Self-Defense, Defensive Tactics, Mechanics of Arrest, Ground Fighting, Jiu-Jitsu, Etc.
KW -- Chad Haas, Sensei Haas, Haas Judo, Zdenek Matl, Sensei Matl -- KW

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Instructor's Requirements  :  Student Rankings  :  Technique Names
Student Rankings
Purpose :
The purpose for this page is for everyone to see where they are and strive for the next level. As you move up through the ranks, you will see your name move up the page.

It doesn't matter how long you have been training, on a calender, but how much you actually put in to your training. You can move quickly or slowly. It completely depends on you. It's all about time on the mat and the drive to actually learn and understand the system and style of Judo and Jiu-Jitsu we are teaching. Personal growth, both physical and mental.

Lead by example. Be a good member of the school. Take care of your training partners. Look out for each other, help one another learn and grow. You represent all of us. Our Martial Arts Family. Carry yourself and act with Honor, Respect, and Dignity inside and outside of the Dojo.
Black Belt Degree & Belt Color Reference :
Solid Black (can be worn at any Black Belt ranks) : 1st Degree - Shodan, 2nd Degree - Nidan, 3rd Degree - Sandan
Black/Red Striped : 4th Degree - Yondan, 5th Degree - Godan
White/Red Striped : 6th Degree - Rokudan, 7th Degree - Shichidan, 8th Degree - Hachidan
Solid Red : 9th Degree - Kudan, 10th Degree - Judan

Authorized Instructors :
All Black Belts listed in this section meet or excede the Instructor's Requirements found HERE.

Shodan and up (Black Belt) :
Chad Haas - Rokudan Judo - 12/15/18, Rokudan Jiu-Jitsu - 07/28/13

Brad Hooper - Sandan Jiu-Jitsu & Judo - Promoted by Sensei Matl
Alex Guzzo - Yondan Jiu-Jitsu, Sandan Judo - Promoted by Sensei Matl
Glen Koen - Sandan Jiu-Jitsu, Nidan Judo - Promoted by Sensei Matl
Pete Braun - Sandan Jiu-Jitsu, Nidan Judo - Promoted by Sensei Matl
Eric Cook - Nidan Judo - 02/01/19
Aki Tomita - Nidan Judo - 05/05/23
Chris Garza - Nidan Judo - 05/14/24

Brad Hill - Shodan Judo - Promoted by Sensei Matl
Shawn Douglas - Shodan Judo - 07/08/12
Sev Medrano - Shodan Judo - 08/03/12
Raul Leyva - Shodan Judo - 12/11/19
Kurt Ritterpusch - Shodan Judo - Promoted prior to joining Team Haas
Aaron French - Shodan Judo - Promoted by Sensei Matl 12/13/22
Victor Pendleton, Shodan Judo - 05/13/23
Derek Haas, Shodan Judo - 10/21/23
Ikkyu (Brown Belt) :
Jeff Davis, Judo - Promoted by Sensei Matl
Charles Robinson, Judo - Promoted by Sensei Matl
Tyrus Cox, Judo - 07/28/12
Seth Chesshir, Judo - 12/06/21
Nikyu (Purple Belt) :
(Undisclosed AH01), Judo - 01/02/16
Jonathan Ramirez, Judo - 03/26/16
Tom Cochran, Judo - 09/20/17
Greg Scott, Judo - 09/18/19
Patrick Pitts, Judo - 11/07/20
Joel Messan, Judo - 10/23/21
Nick Perkins, Judo - 01/06/23
Truc Truong, Judo - 02/27/23
Sam Robertson, Judo - 06/24/23
Ricky Scott, Judo - 07/27/23
Shawn Smith, Judo - 07/28/23
Noah Almaraz, Judo - 08/02/23
Dmitrii Ustiantsev, Judo - 08/29/23
David Barron, Judo - 07/04/24
Frank Funk, Judo - 07/09/24
Joe Gardial, Judo - 07/10/24
Sankyu (Blue Belt) :
Diego Rothenbach, Judo - 05/20/15
Harley Whitcomb, Judo - Promoted prior to joining Team Haas
Nathan Smith, Judo - 02/18/19
Christine Ngan, Judo - 12/14/19
Samuel Guiffre, Judo - 08/01/20
Yao Yao, Judo - 08/03/20
Chris Shupe, Judo - 03/10/23
Yonkyu (Green Belt) :
Neha Kashyap, Judo - 03/26/16
Daiki Doi, Judo - 03/26/16
Ricardo Castaneda, Judo - 07/11/18
Joeseph Smart, Judo - 07/10/19
Michael Kilmartin, Judo - 08/03/20 Placement & Recognition Rank
Brian Pia, Judo - 11/05/20
Adam Rankin, Judo - 01/02/21
Bobby Funk, Judo - 01/02/21
Alex Hernandez, Judo - 04/30/21
Brooke Haas, Judo - 10/20/21
Kevin Towle, Judo - 10/20/21
Aaron Grigsby, Judo - 12/13/21
Quan Le, Judo - 01/07/22
Woo Seok Choi, Judo - 08/01/22
Luke Anderson, Judo - 01/13/23
Camden Bayer, Judo - 07/24/24
Evgeny Grigoryev, Judo - 01/02/25
Joshua Pedroza, Judo - 01/02/25
Gokyu (Orange Belt) :
Avish Patel, Judo - 08/05/14
Connor Mullins, Judo - 08/24/15
Mike Salsone, Judo - 03/21/16
Isaac Urquidi, Judo - 10/08/16
Felipe Boeta, Judo - 10/12/18
Momo Ramos, Judo - 06/12/19
Sam Douglas, Judo - 06/26/19
Cooper Douglas, Judo - 06/26/19
Rafa Maycock, Judo - 10/07/19
Ben Chen, Judo - 12/28/17
Jackie Quiles, Judo - 01/01/20
Esteban Quiles, Judo - 01/01/20
Adan Saenz, Judo - 01/04/20
Michael Wright, Judo - 10/16/21
Daniel Pamplin, Judo - 10/20/21
Kaylyn Funk, Judo - 11/03/21
Bret Johnson, Judo - 11/18/21
John Epperson, Judo - 06/13/22
James Richardson, Judo - 01/26/23
Allison Torsey, Judo - 02/09/23
William Santos, Judo - 05/03/23
Bruce Moore, Judo - 12/12/24
Miodrag Gajovic, Judo - 01/04-25
Rokyu (Yellow Belt) :
Leo Leyva, Judo - 07/02/16
Joshua Langdon, Judo - 10/19/16
John Davis, Judo - 01/27/17
Kirk Sexton, Judo - 08/09/17
E.Abalo, Judo - 08/26/17
Russel Pryor, Judo - 12/15/17
Ziko Farajzada, Judo - 05/16/18
Shawn Pettit, Judo - 06/17/19
Andrew Roman, Judo - 06/24/19
Ed Swangren, Judo - 07/01/19
Ezra Parlier, Judo - 10/17/19
Vadim Ivanov, Judo - 12/23/19
Joseph Garza, Judo - 07/24/20
Steven Payne, Judo - 11/05/20
Levi Bannigan, Judo - 11/05/20
Rachel Pitts, Judo - 11/11/20
Lan Le, Judo - 08/02/21
Priscilla Delawder, Judo - 10/20/21
Khanh Le, Judo - 10/21/21
Lana Le, Judo - 10/21/21
Kathleen Hernandez, Judo - 04/13/22
Forest Bell, Judo - 06/30/22
Deny de Carvalho, Judo - 05/03/23
Daniel Koen, Judo - 06/17/23
Nick Willis, Judo - 08/02/23
Gene Drumheller, Judo - 08/02/23
Shawn Douglas Jr, Judo - 08/02/23

ATX Judo : Austin Judo : Round Rock Judo : Pflugerville Judo : Haas-Jitsu Defensive Systems : Cedar Park Judo : Georgetown Judo : Hutto Judo
Judo, Round Rock Judo, Austin Judo, Hutto Judo, Pflugerville Judo, Cedar Park Judo, Georgetown Judo, Competition Judo, Sport Judo
Jiu-Jitsu, Round Rock Jiu-Jitsu, Austin Jiu-Jitsu, Hutto Jiu-Jitsu, Pflugerville Jiu-Jitsu, Cedar Park Jiu-jitsu, Georgetown Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, BJJ
Self-Defense, Women's Self Defense, Grappling, Defensive Tactics, Mechanics of Arrest, Ground Fighting, Martial Arts