Team Haas Judo Jiu-Jitsu provides a quality well rounded system of martial arts techniques that are safe, simple, and effective.
This includes Self-Defense, Defensive Tactics, Mechanics of Arrest, Ground Fighting, Jiu-Jitsu, Etc.
KW -- Chad Haas, Sensei Haas, Haas Judo, Zdenek Matl, Sensei Matl -- KW

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Akihiko Tomita Promotion to Judo Shodan
December 11, 2019

Congratulations to Akihiko Tomita on his promotion to Judo Shodan (1st Dan Black Belt)!

Mr Tomita came to me in 2013 with no prior Judo experience, but has a wealth of various types of Kung-Fu experience. As a Japanese practitioner in Chinese arts (Kung-Fu), he has spent a lot of years having to learn differently from other students because of his Japanese descent. Starting as a White Belt with us, he has managed to work his way through the ranks to become the 5th Judo Black Belt I have been able to promote.

Since starting with me, Mr Tomita has had 2 beautiful baby boys with his amazing wife. Working full time in the tech industry, he has still made time to be in the Dojo multiple times per week.

When Mr Tomita is on the mat, he draws from his prior Kung-Fu experience of being in touch with his body to work on every little detail. He is honing his posture, timing, and fine movements that others have no concept of. I love it! I get to nerd out on the super fine details of the body position, posture, timing, tension in some muscles and not others, directional movements, etc. These are actually very high level Black Belt skills.

Mr Tomita is an incredible instructor and can really explain and troubleshoot techniques to help his training partners grow. I am honored to have him as one of my Black Belts.

Chad Haas
Judo & Jiu-Jitsu Rokudan
Head Instructor  -  Team Haas Judo Jiu-Jitsu

ATX Judo : Austin Judo : Round Rock Judo : Pflugerville Judo : Haas-Jitsu Defensive Systems : Cedar Park Judo : Georgetown Judo : Hutto Judo
Judo, Round Rock Judo, Austin Judo, Hutto Judo, Pflugerville Judo, Cedar Park Judo, Georgetown Judo, Competition Judo, Sport Judo
Jiu-Jitsu, Round Rock Jiu-Jitsu, Austin Jiu-Jitsu, Hutto Jiu-Jitsu, Pflugerville Jiu-Jitsu, Cedar Park Jiu-jitsu, Georgetown Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, BJJ
Self-Defense, Women's Self Defense, Grappling, Defensive Tactics, Mechanics of Arrest, Ground Fighting, Martial Arts