Team Haas Judo Jiu-Jitsu provides a quality well rounded system of martial arts techniques that are safe, simple, and effective.
This includes Self-Defense, Defensive Tactics, Mechanics of Arrest, Ground Fighting, Jiu-Jitsu, Etc.
KW -- Chad Haas, Sensei Haas, Haas Judo, Zdenek Matl, Sensei Matl -- KW

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Eric Cook Promotion to Judo Nidan
February 1, 2019

Congratulations to Eric Cook on his promotion to Judo Nidan (2nd Dan Black Belt)!

Mr Cook was the first student I got to hand physically hand a Judo Black Belt to back in July 2011. His journey to Shodan (1st Dan Black Belt) had him training with Sensei Matl and me because we were under the same rook. Since then, he has only been training with me.

Mr Cook has a super busy schedule working full time in sale that requires a lot of travel, a wonderful wife, and 4 awesome children. With all of those scheduling and availability challenges, he still makes time to get in to the Dojo at least once per week, sometimes more.

Mr Cook is always working hard, still looking to improve, and is always helping anyone on the mat with patience and knowledge. I am extremely proud that he is one of my Black Belts and has found a way in life to still show up, work, and give back to Judo.

This is what it really means to be a Martial Artist and a Black Belt. Dedication.

Chad Haas
Judo & Jiu-Jitsu Rokudan
Head Instructor  -  Team Haas Judo Jiu-Jitsu

ATX Judo : Austin Judo : Round Rock Judo : Pflugerville Judo : Haas-Jitsu Defensive Systems : Cedar Park Judo : Georgetown Judo : Hutto Judo
Judo, Round Rock Judo, Austin Judo, Hutto Judo, Pflugerville Judo, Cedar Park Judo, Georgetown Judo, Competition Judo, Sport Judo
Jiu-Jitsu, Round Rock Jiu-Jitsu, Austin Jiu-Jitsu, Hutto Jiu-Jitsu, Pflugerville Jiu-Jitsu, Cedar Park Jiu-jitsu, Georgetown Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, BJJ
Self-Defense, Women's Self Defense, Grappling, Defensive Tactics, Mechanics of Arrest, Ground Fighting, Martial Arts