Team Haas Judo-Jiu-Jitsu

Team Haas Judo Jiu-Jitsu provides a quality well rounded system of martial arts techniques that are safe, simple, and effective.
This includes Self-Defense, Defensive Tactics, Mechanics of Arrest, Ground Fighting, Jiu-Jitsu, Etc.
KW -- Chad Haas, Sensei Haas, Haas Judo, Zdenek Matl, Sensei Matl -- KW

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Japanese Terms
Purpose :
The purpose for this page is to have a list of Japanese terms that is commonly used in Japanese Martial Arts.

This is a working list and is not necesarily a finalized list.

Additional Resources : Technique Names & English Translations

Kyu Ranks (below Black Belt) :
Shichikyu - White Belt
Rokkyu - Yellow Belt
Gokyu - Orange Belt
Yonkyu - Green Belt
Sankyu - Blue Belt
      (typically considered "3rd Stripe Brown Belt")
Nikyu - Purple Belt
      (typically considered "2nd Stripe Brown Belt")
Ikkyu - Brown Belt
      (typically considered "1st Stripe Brown Belt")
Dan Ranks (Black Belt) :
Shodan - 1st Dan Black Belt
Nidan - 2nd Dan
Sandan - 3rd Dan
Yondan - 4th Dan
Godan - 5th Dan
Rokudan - 6th Dan
Shichidan - 7th Dan
Hachidan - 8th Dan
Kudan - 9th Dan
Judan - 10th Dan

Counting :
Ichi - 1
Ni - 2
San - 3
Shi or Yon - 4
Go - 5
Roku - 6
Shichi - 7
Hachi - 8
ku - 9
Ju - 10
      Ju-Ichi - 11
      Ju-Ni - 12
      Ju-San - 13
Counting by Tens :
Ju - 10
Ni-Ju - 20
      Ni-Ju-Ichi - 21
      Ni-Ju-Ni - 22
      Ni-Ju-San - 23
San-Ju - 30
Yon-Ju - 40
Go-Ju - 50
Roku-Ju - 60
Shichi-Ju - 70
Hachi-Ju - 80
Ku-Ju - 90

Hiyaku - 100

Directions :
Age - Up (elevate or raise)
Hidari - Left
Mae - Forward
Migi - Right
Omote - Front (face something or face up)
Otoshi - Drop

Shite - Down
Taoshi - to Throw Something Down
Ura - Rear or Back of Something
Ushiro - Behind
Yoko - Side (across, sideways, side-to-side)

Parts of the Body :
Abara - Side of Chest
Abara-Bone - Ribs
Ago or Agoto - Jaw
Ashi - Leg or Foot
Ashikubi - Ankle
Ashi-No-Ubi/Yubi - Toes
Atama - Head

Chusoku - Ball of Foot

Doh - Trunk of Body
Dokko - Mastoid Process

Goshi - Hip (2nd in description)

Ha - Teeth
Hagi - Shin / Shinbone
Haiso - Instep of Foot
Haito - Inner Edge of Hand
Hana - Nose
Hara - Stomach / Trunk of Body
Hichu - Adam's Apple
Hiji - Elbow
Hiza - Knee
Hizagashira - Knee Cap
Hone - Bone

Jinchu - Upper Lip / Under Nose

Kachikake - Chin
Kao - Face
Kakato - Heel of Foot
Kabuto - Top of Bent Wrist
Kasumi - Temples
Kata - Shoulder
Ken - Knuckle
Kin - Testicles
Kobushi - Fist
Koshi - Hip (1st in description)
Kote - Forearrn
Kubi - Neck
Kuchi - Mouth
Kurubushi - Ankle

Mata - Crotch of Legs (fork)
Me - Eyes
Mi - Person's Body
Mimi - Ear
Momo - Thigh
Mune - Chest

Nodo - Throat

Oshiri - Buttocks
Oya-Yubi - Thumb

Sena - Back
Senaka - Back
Seoi - Carry Over the Back
Seiken - Forefist
Shute - Parm of Hand
Shuto - Ulner Endge of Hand
Suigetsu - Solar Plexus
Sune - Shin / Lower Leg

Tai - Body
Te - Hand
Teisoku - Arch of Foot
Tekubi - Wrist
Tettsui - Edge of Fist

Ude - Arm
Uto - Bridge of Nose

Yubi - Finger

Waki - Armpit / Side of Body

Technique Groups :
Nage-Waza - Throwing
Tachi-Waza - Standing
Ashi-Waza - Leg
Te-Waza - Hand
Koshi-Waza - Hip
Sutemi-Waza - Sacrifice
Majiri-Waza - Mixed

Osaekomi-Waza - Pinning
Shime-Waza - Choking
Kansetsu-Waza - Locking
Atemi-Waza - Striking
Busouwotoku-Waza - Disarm
Nigeru-Waza - Escape

ATX Judo : Austin Judo : Round Rock Judo : Pflugerville Judo : Haas-Jitsu Defensive Systems : Cedar Park Judo : Georgetown Judo : Hutto Judo
Judo, Round Rock Judo, Austin Judo, Hutto Judo, Pflugerville Judo, Cedar Park Judo, Georgetown Judo, Competition Judo, Sport Judo
Jiu-Jitsu, Round Rock Jiu-Jitsu, Austin Jiu-Jitsu, Hutto Jiu-Jitsu, Pflugerville Jiu-Jitsu, Cedar Park Jiu-jitsu, Georgetown Jiu-Jitsu, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, BJJ
Self-Defense, Women's Self Defense, Grappling, Defensive Tactics, Mechanics of Arrest, Ground Fighting, Martial Arts